Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

Processing Our Recyclables

Our Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) based on the NSW Central Coast processes recyclables for over one million people. Our services span homes north of Sydney Harbour Bridge, along the coast to Foster Tuncurry and inland to Tamworth. In addition, we’re currently servicing some Councils in the South Coast region as a result of repairs required at another facility.

How our MRF works:

Our council recycling partners deliver materials collected from the kerbside yellow bins to our facility. The material is then sorted  into streams such as rigid plastics, paper, cardboard, glass, aluminum, metals and residual.

For participating partner councils, we collect soft plastics in collaboration with CurbyIt.  As part of this program, participating councils and residents can recycle their household soft plastics by placing them in a sealed bag with a Curby QR tag, and place it in their existing yellow lid recycling bin.  

The various materials are then sorted and baled to send to processing partners or directed to iQRenew’s specialised secondary processing facilities such as the SPEC and Virtual Quarry

Our committed approach to primary and secondary processing enables opportunities for remanufacturing and plays a critical role in contributing to a circular economy.

Learn more about our Primary Processed Recyclable Materials.

Our Impact

1 Million+

households serviced

99,000+ tonnes

diverted from landfill annually